Summer season has once again started on May 15th here at Old Town Campground, when we closed our gates to make repairs, do any maintenance and see what we can do to improve our campground.

In addition, we trim trees, shrubs, add utility upgrades and many other projects to keep the campground looking great and run smoothly.
We do open the campground for campers who want to stay 7 days or more, so you have a choice of sites right now for both 30 and 50 amp. Most of these sites are open until November 1st when we are fully reserved with only a couple sites available for stays of a month or less. Because of the unknown, we may have cancelations. So, with that in mind, we have started a waiting list. If you would like to be added to this list, please contact us and we’ll gladly add you.
For events, we’re planning a Thanksgiving dinner and a New Year’s hot dog roast. We’re also going to have outdoor movie night every Wednesday a little after dusk.

For those that are with us in the summer, we’re having a 4th of July potluck followed by a movie related to Independence Day.
Stay tuned as we periodically let you know what’s going on here at Old Town Campground.