Have you ever had the experience of obnoxious neighbors ruining your camping weekend? Do you tell those stories about rude, loud campers who just didn’t seem to care about their neighbors? Do you know neighboring campers who just don’t know the common “rules” of camping etiquette?
Whether you’re staying at a private campground or up in the woods in a state or national park ― most of the rules are applicable.
As more new campers hit the road to camp, knowing these rules will help make lifelong friends instead of enemies. It’s also important to show the next generation how to successfully camp and have fun.
Remember, campers are among the friendliest people on earth as everyone is there to have an enjoyable time, so respect goes a long way. Respect not only your neighbors and campground management but also nature. What you leave behind has an impact on nature so don’t leave a trace and don’t use it up.
Respect Quiet Time: Sounds simple, right? But it is the number one complaint that we hear at OTC. Our quiet time starts at 8 pm and ends 8 am. You can still enjoy a campfire and get together. Just keep noise to a low rumble as your neighbor may need to hit the road early the next morning. However, exceptionally loud music, yelling, laughter or other sounds can be very disturbing during daytime hours as well. Keep all noise to a minimum during the day so that you’re not disturbing your neighbors.
Respect Other Campers Campsite Space: Consider a campsite just like your home yard. Don’t walk through another’s camp sites. Take a path around it. People pay to be at the campground which makes it their personal space during their time at the campground. Don’t be rude just to save a couple minutes trek to the bathrooms.

Wood Stays at Home: If you’re staying at a campground the allows open fires as OTC does, we have firewood for sale. Use it. If you bring in wood, you could potentially spread disease and insects to our flora and foliage thus we do not allow wood to be brought in. Be aware of and respect local fire bans and never, ever cut wood from standing trees.
Don’t Leave Food Out: Leftover food is enjoyed by squirrels, bears and non-cute rodents. Once they get the taste of free food, they’ll repeatedly come back to your site and could potentially do damage.
Arrival Time at OTC: The office closes at 6 pm and we strongly recommend arriving before the 6 pm gate closing. If you do arrive late with prior approval from the owner and after dark, try your best to keep noise and lights to the least amount of time that you need them to park. Keep your lights to low beam. Be careful where you park so you’re not blocking other’s access.
Give a Helping Hand: Everyone wants a clean restroom, so be sure to clean up after yourself after completing your personal hygiene ritual. Make sure restroom garbage is properly disposed of in the trash can, wipe up any excess water around sinks and counters. OTC supplies towels to wipe mirrors ― they are NOT to be used as a body towel or used in any other way. Hang them up on the bar over the toilet to dry. We also supply a broom and mop so that you can take care of any sand and excess water after your ablutions. No washing dishes, household garbage or bathing pets in the restrooms. Use the restroom like the guest you are and be respectful of the campers that will follow you.

Wood Stays at Home: If you’re staying at a campground the allows open fires as OTC does, we have firewood for sale. Use it. If you bring in wood, you could potentially spread disease and insects to our flora and foliage thus we do not allow wood to be brought in. Be aware of and respect local fire bans and never, ever cut wood from standing trees.
Don’t Leave Food Out: Leftover food is enjoyed by squirrels, bears and non-cute rodents. Once they get the taste of free food, they’ll repeatedly come back to your site and could potentially do damage.
Arrival Time at OTC: The office closes at 6 pm and we strongly recommend arriving before the 6 pm gate closing. If you do arrive late with prior approval from the owner and after dark, try your best to keep noise and lights to the least amount of time that you need them to park. Keep your lights to low beam. Be careful where you park so you’re not blocking other’s access.
Give a Helping Hand: Everyone wants a clean restroom, so be sure to clean up after yourself after completing your personal hygiene ritual. Make sure restroom garbage is properly disposed of in the trash can, wipe up any excess water around sinks and counters. OTC supplies towels to wipe mirrors ― they are NOT to be used as a body towel or used in any other way. Hang them up on the bar over the toilet to dry. We also supply a broom and mop so that you can take care of any sand and excess water after your ablutions. No washing dishes, household garbage or bathing pets in the restrooms. Use the restroom like the guest you are and be respectful of the campers that will follow you.

Pet Care: Pets must be on a leash at or away from your campsite or under control and supervised in a fenced area at your site. OTC does supply a fenced dog park so that your pets can run free. Be respectful and responsible by cleaning up after your pet in the campground and in the dog park. No one wants to step into pet waste. Excessive barking is a no-no, too, and there could be consequences if the barking isn’t controlled.
Make Sure Your Sewer Connection is Tight: Test your RV sewer connections to make sure they are secure with no torn hoses. Your connection does face your neighbor and a torn hose could result in a smelly situation.
Is that Fire Out: After you’re used your fire to cook a meal or enjoy a fire in the evening for entertainment, make sure you’ve properly put the fire out and not left it smoldering. Also, a fire pit is not a burn barrel for garbage. All household trash must be disposed of in the provided dumpster.
Generators Make a Lot of Noise: Plug in your RV. Don’t use your generator unless the whole campground has lost electricity due to a multiple day power outage. Your fellow campers will greatly appreciate your considerate actions.
Early Risers, Be Polite to Late Risers: If you’re planning on leaving early in the AM, consider packing up as much as you can the night before so you can quickly unhook water, electric and sewer and go without a lot of loud closing of compartment doors. If you have a diesel engine, don’t rev up the engine on your way out of the campground.
The Golden Rule Still Works: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you…” Simple and it works. If you’re an experienced camper, consider helping the newbies if and when you can. It adds enjoyment for all, and everyone will experience the best about camping.
Camping Etiquette Tips: https://youtu.be/6qcmNRBQ33E (YouTube video)
Remember Your Manners: https://youtu.be/dhGDTCE2SY8 (YouTube video)
YourCampingExpert.com: https://youtu.be/bIUDC5OYats (YouTube video)